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Minggu, 07 September 2014

Perkembangan Sepatu Basket

 Sejarah sepatu basket hampir sejajar dengan sejarah basket itu sendiriMeskipunpermainan ini berasal pada tahun 1891sneaker pertama yang khusus dirancang untukbasket tidak datang sampai 1917, ketika Converse merilis All-Star sepatu nyaSejak itu,sepatu basket telah menjadi bisnis internasional bernilai miliaran dolar dan permainan bola basket dimainkan di seluruh dunia.
     Tak lama setelah All-Star sepatu basket Converse yang menekan pasar, bintang basketChuck Taylor bergabung dengan perusahaan dan dipinjamkan namanya produk baru padatahun 1920kemudian sepatu itu dikenal sebagai "Chuck Taylor" dan bahkan dikenal dengan"Chucks." Converse All-Stars menjadi sepatu top pilihan untuk pemain basket serta remaja,rockerskaters dan lainnya. Sepatu tersebut membuat perubahan fashion dan mode sepatusepanjang abad ke-20.

Beberapa Era perubahan pada sepatu basket : 
1. Era Klasik
            Menurut KicksGuide, sejarah sepatu basket dapat dibagi ke dalam era yang berbeda. Era Klasik kembali ke awal 1920-an, ketika pemain basket Chuck Taylor Converse mempopulerkan All-Stars (juga dikenal sebagai Chuck Taylor All-Stars, "Chucks" atau "Cons"). Sepatu ini mendominasi basket selama lebih dari 40 tahun, dengan lebih dari 500 juta pasang terjual di seluruh dunia. Pada tahun 1960, popularitas mereka mulai menurun karena kulit diperkenalkan di sepatu basket baru. Pada tahun 1972, Nike memasuki pasar sepatu basket. Satu dekade kemudian, Nike menikmati sukses besar dari Air Force 1, sepatu itu sedang dalam perjalanan menjadi pemimpin pasar industri.

  • 1921–1960's: The Original Chuck Taylor dominated the basketball scene for over 40 years. The canvas sneaker with rubber soles is the all-time best selling sneaker at over 500 million pairs sold and counting. It wasn't until leather debuted on basketball sneakers in the 60's did the canvas Chucks began its decline.
  • 1972: As the first basketball shoe with a swoosh, the Blazer marked the small Oregon-based Nike's entry into the basketball shoes market.
  • Early to mid 1970's: Puma made a splash in the League. Clyde Frasier was among one of the first to have his own 'signature' shoe with his Puma low-tops.
  • Mid to late 1970's: Converse and Dr. J took the game to another level. Magic and Bird loaded up with the Converse Weapons to develop the rivalry that 'saved' the NBA.
  • 1983: Air Force 1 debuts as the first Nike basketball shoe with an air sole. The Air technology differentiated Nike from rest of the competition and propelled the company to become the industry's leader – a position which Nike has never relinquished to this day. Furthermore, Air Force 1's strap, classic design and popularity allowed the shoe to remain a best-selling sneaker even as we speak.

Jordan Era

            Era dimana sepatu basket menjadi sejarah tentang seorang. Michael Jordan, Ia tidak hanya seorang pemain basket yang sangat sukses, dia juga menjadi mesin pemasaran.Semuanya dimulai kembali pada tahun 1984 ketika Jordan muncul di pertandingan All-Star, ia memakai sepatu dengan tanda tangannya sendiri. Air Jordan I dianggap sebuah terobosan dalam desain sepatu, meskipun fakta bahwa mereka awalnya dia baik biaya untuk setiap pertandingan mereka dipakai karena warna-warna cerah mereka, yang tidak sesuai dengan warna timnya. Reebok juga membuat splash di industri pada tahun 1989 dengan memperkenalkan garis sepatu disebut The Pump, yang memiliki pompa di lidah sepatu yang mendorong udara ke dalam sepatu.

  • 1984: A rookie showed up at the All-Star game with his own signature warm-ups. His shoes cost him a fine every single game due to being 'too colorful' and 'non-conforming to his team colors'. His sneaker commercial had a big X on the shoe with the word BANNED. Talk about jump starting an Era.
  • Mid to late 1980's: Adidas Ewing Rivalry & The EWINGS – Patrick has always lived under Michael's shadows. His shoes were no exception. Despite the success in the Adidas Ewing Rivalry, Ewing went on his own to produce The EWINGS.
  • 1988: Ewing wasn't the only one thinking his own shoe company. Jordan reportedly thought the same thing. The rumor in '88 was that Michael was going to jump ship from the Swoosh. Nike brought Tinker Hatfield to the rescue by designing the Air Jordan III to convince Mike to stay. Once Mike saw the III's, the rest was history. The shoes went down to this day as arguably the greatest Air Jordan ever.
  • 1989–1990: The Original Pump. The war for basketball market share between Reebok and Nike in the late 80's and early 90's was heating up. Reebok struck back against Air by releasing The Pump. The innovative technology allowed air to be pumped into the shoe by pressing repeatedly on an orange basketball (and later with InstaPump). Think Nike wasn't concerned? They introduced their own pump - The Air Pressure but with no success.
  • 1990–1993: Air Jordans dominated the scene. Everyone wanted the latest pair as they represented the pinnacle of basketball shoes. From the black shoe hysteria of the '89 Bulls Playoff run; to the clear soles & reflective tongue V's; to Mars Blackman's "DoYouKnowDoYouKnowDoYouKnow" and "It's Gota Be Da Shoes"; to Bugs Bunny; the sneaker scene was all about the Air Jordan. The mystic behind the legend and the icon not only conquered market share but also went global after the Barcelona games.

Era Emas

            Setelah pensiunnya Michael Jordan, industri sepatu basket-harus beradaptasi.dengan membubuhi  sepatu dengan tanda tangan pemain berbakat lainnya, dan bahkan tanpa kehadiran MJ, sepatu basket merangkak naik. Periode waktu ini dapat disebut sebagai Zaman Keemasan karena teknologi baru, bahan dan konsep desain mengarah pada keberhasilan hampir setiap sepatu baru. Beberapa transaksi besar di masa sepatu termasuk Charles Barkley tanda tangan Nike pada tahun 1994, Allen Iverson kesepakatan dengan Reebok pada 1996 dan penandatanganan Kobe Bryant dengan Adidas pada tahun 1998.

  • 1993–1994: Barkley's signature shoes became the flagship of Nike's lineup at nearly $150, surpassing Air Jordan's in terms of price, technology, design, functionality and popularity. This was during the same time Mike had retired the first time. Coincidence? We think not.
  • 1996: Iverson's Questions puts Reebok back into basketball contention. Arguably the best Rbk basketball sneakers ever made, the Questions continued to sell to this day. AI, with his tattoos and corn rows appealed to a new generation of NBA fans. In response, Rbk quickly signed him to a lifetime deal.
  • 1995–1997: Little Penny commercials were more than just hype. The Air Penny signature line was among the best Nike ever produced. At the peak of its popularity was the Foamposite One - the beginning of a new breed of shoes that were border line Sci-FI, yet made into reality.
  • 1998: Adidas finally returned to the basketball segment with the signing of Kobe Bryant. Success of early Kobe "Feet You Wear" models led to the eventual creation of the Audi TT inspired The Kobe that proved the 3-Stripes had what it takes to compete with the big dogs.

Era kemunduran

            Menjelang akhir 1990-an, sepatu basket-perusahaan mulai memasarkan sepatu dirilis sebelumnya, dikenal sebagai throwbacks. Sepatu ini menjadi tren populer pada waktu itu, dan produsen menambahkan twist baru untuk sepatu klasik dengan mendistribusikan mereka dalam warna hampir setiap warna yang tak dibayangkan. Meskipun teknologi baru belum ada selama waktu ini, Nike mencapai terobosan dengan sepatu Nike Shox line, yang menghabiskan lebih dari 10 tahun untuk dikembangkan.

  • 1999: The remake of the Air Jordan IV in '99 launched the Retro craze that caused a landslide of remakes of old classics. The Air Jordan line alone re-released the AJ I, II, III, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI, XII in one form or another. When old household names like Avia and British Knights started to make shoes again, you know you've turned back the clock.
  • 1999 – current: the AF1 and Dunk craze personifies the Throwback Era. Every color combination possible under the sun has been applied to the AF1 and Dunk. Sometimes we wonder if Nike themselves even know what colorways has been released to date.
  • 2000: The Shox is the lone major technology breakthrough for this Era. It took over 10 years of R&D and refinement to come out. The wait was well worth it when Vince Carter jumped over a 7-footer during the Olympics in his Shox BB4. Adidas and Reebok quickly responded by launching their own versions of the technology to stay competitive.
  • 2000 – 2003: Proving that the sneaker industry has become all business and no love, gone was the loyalty from the players to their brands. VC jumped ship from Puma to sign with Nike after a heated legal battle. Garnett leaped from Nike to And1 to Adidas. Kobe took off for Nike after 5 years with Adidas. Even Yao Ming, a Nike groomed and sponsored athlete at his native country China since the early age of 13, had skipped over to rival Reebok. Battle lines are definitely drawn but have no fear, fierce competition usually means win-win for the consumers.

Pemasaran Baru

            Pada 2010, masih ada permintaan yang tinggi untuk sepatu basket kedua klasik dan teknologi baru, dan harga telah meningkat secara drastis sebagai hasilnya. Nike telah menaikkan harga sepatu Jordan baru dirilis lebih dari $ 100 pada rata-rata. Hyperdunk seri biaya perusahaan sepatu sekitar $ 110, dan Adidas TS Commander LT datang di sekitar $ 100. Sepatu basket modern masih terfokus pada kinerja dan teknologi, tetapi gaya dan pengakuan merek telah menjadi sama pentingnya untuk banyak konsumen, yang merupakan salah satu cara untuk menjelaskan kenaikan harga.

Nike Basketball Shoes Timeline History

  • Nike Bruin (Leather)
  • Nike Blazer (Leather)
  • The Blazer was worn by Geoff Petrie and later on worn by George Gervin aka Iceman.

  • Nike Bruin (Suede)
  • Nike Blazer Low (Leather)
  • Nike Blazer (Suede)

  • Nike Franchise Low (Leather)
  • The Franchise was worn by Moses Malone
  • Nike All Court Canvas Hi

  • Nike MVP Low (Mesh)
  • Nike All Court

  • Nike Franchise Hi (Leather)
  • Nike Blazer (Leather)

  • Nike Gamebreaker Low (Leather and Canvas)
  • Nike Legend Low (Leather)
  • Nike Dynasty (Leather and Mesh)
  • Nike Legend (Leather)
  • Players like Gene Smith and Patrick Ewing were both seen in the Nike Legend
  • Nike Dynasty High (Leather and Mesh)
  • Nike Gamebreaker Hi (Leather and Canvas)
  • Nike 3-Pointer Hi (Canvas)
  • Nike 3-Pointer Low (Canvas)

  • Nike Air Force 1 (Leather)
  • Bobby Jones and Jeff Ruland both hooped in Air Force 1's
  • Nike Challenge Court (Nylon Mesh)

  • Nike Penetrator Hi (Leather)
  • Nike Recognition Hi (Leather)
  • Nike Sky Force Canvas 3/4
  • Nike Fortress Hi (Leather)
  • Nike Double Team Hi (Leather)
  • Nike Penetrator Low (Leather)
  • Nike Air Force 1 Low (Leather)
  • Nike Airship Hi (Leather)
  • Nike Sky Force Hi (Leather)
  • Nike Legend High (Canvas)
  • Nike Air Jordan

  • Nike Team Convention (Leather)
  • Nike Big Nike High (Leather)
  • Nike Terminator High (Leather)
  • Nike Dunk
  • Nike Dynasty High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Jordan AJKO
  • Nike Air Jordan II
  • Nike Delta Force
  • Nike Air Force II Hi (Leather)

  • Nike Air Assault Hi (Leather)
  • Nike Air Force III High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Alpha Force Low (Leather)
  • Nike Outbreak Hi (Suede)
  • Nike Outbreak Hi (Suede)
  • Nike Air Jordan III
  • Nike Air Delta Force Hi (Leather)
  • Nike Air Revolution (Leather)
  • Nike Air Delta Force 3/4

  • Nike Air Stratus High (Leather)
  • Nike Flight Low "89 Flight" Low
  • Nike Air Driving Force High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Solo Flight (Leather)
  • Nike Air Transition High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Ascension High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Wingmate High (Canvas)
  • Nike Air Delta Force ST High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Force STS (Leather)
  • Nike Air Flight (Leather)
  • Nike Outbreak II (Canvas)
  • Nike Air Alpha Force II (Leather)
  • Nike Air Jordan IV

  • Nike Air Solo Flight ‘90 (Leather)
  • Nike Strategy High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Ultra Force High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Flight ‘90 (Leather)
  • Nike Air Bound (Leather)
  • Nike Quantum Force High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Jordan V
  • Nike Air Force Five (Leather)
  • Nike Air Court Profile High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Transition II High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Pressure (Leather)
  • Nike Air Ultra Force Low (Leather)

  • Nike Air Ultra Force (Leather)
  • Nike Air Force 180 (Leather)
  • Nike Air Jordan VI
  • Nike Air Flight (Leather)
  • Nike Air Force Five (Leather)
  • Nike Air Flight Lite Low (Leather)
  • Nike Air Command Force (Leather)
  • David Robinson signature shoe
  • Nike Air Flight Lite (Leather)
  • Nike Air Force High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Mach Force High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Sabre Flight High (Leather)

  • Nike Air Flight Huarache (Leather)
  • Nike Air Court Force Mid (Leather)
  • Nike Air Raid (Leather)
  • Nike Air Ballistic Force Mid (Leather)
  • Nike Air Magnum Force 3/4 (Leather)
  • Nike Air Jordan VII
  • Nike Air Sonic Flight (Leather)
  • Nike Air Direct Flight (Leather)
  • Nike Air Ballistic Force High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Force 180 Low (Leather)

  • Nike Air Force High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Sonic Flight High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Radicate (Leather)
  • Nike Air Bound (Leather)
  • Nike Air Dynamic Flight (Leather)
  • Scottie Pippen hooped in the Dynamic Flight
  • Nike Air Check (Leather)
  • Nike Air Jordan VIII
  • Nike Air Raid II (Leather)
  • Nike Air Driving Force Mid (Leather)
  • Nike Air Maestro (Leather)
  • Scottie Pippen also hooped in the Air Maestro
  • Nike Air Force Max (Leather)
  • Charles Barkley signature shoe

  • Nike Air Jordan IX
  • Nike Air Prevail (Leather)
  • Nike Air Commitment (Leather)
  • Nike Air Unlimited (Leather)
  • Nike Air Jordan X
  • Nike Air Assist Mid (Leather)
  • Nike Air Swift (Leather)
  • Nike Air Flight 3/4 (Leather)
  • Nike Air Drill (Leather)
  • Nike Strong High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Force Max CB (Leather)
  • Charles Barkley signature shoe
  • Nike Air Darwin (Leather)
  • Dennis "?" Rodman hooped in the Air Darwin
  • Nike Air Up (Leather)
  • Scottie Pippen version of the Air Up
  • Nike Air Ultra Force Mid (Leather)
  • Nike Air Maestro Mid (Leather)
  • Nike Air Max2 CB
  • Charles Barkley signature shoe
  • Nike Air Jordan I Retro & Nike Air Jordan III
  • The first two Jordans to retro in 1994
  • Nike Air Role Ndestrukt (Leather)
  • Nike Air Proof (Leather)

  • Nike Air 2 Strong Hi (Leather)
  • Nike Air Up (Leather)
  • Penny Hardaway version of the Air Up
  • Nike Air Baja 341 (Leather)
  • Nike Air Tight (Leather)
  • Nike Air Yoke (Leather)
  • Nike Air Wayup (Leather)
  • Nike Air 2 Strong Mid (Leather)
  • Nike Air Uptempo (Leather)
  • Nike Air DVST8 (Leather)
  • Nike Air Straight (Leather)
  • Nike Air Gone (Leather)
  • Nike Air Up High (Leather)
  • Nike Air Sensation (Leather)
  • Nike Air Max CW
  • Chris Webber signature shoes
  • Nike Air Go LWP (Leather)
  • Nike Air CB34 (Leather)
  • Charles Barkley signature shoe aka "Godzilla". The most wanted Barkley in the "Shoe Game"
  • Nike Air Max2 Uptempo (Leather and Mesh)
  • Worn by Duke College basketball team in 1995, and also known as the "Dukes"
  • Nike Air Max2 Uptempo Low (Leather)
  • Nike Air Jordan II Retro Low
  • Nike Air Ndestrukt (Leather)
  • Nike Air Penny (Leather)
  • Everyone should remember these with Lil Penny and the 1 cent logo on the back.....REMEMBER????
  • Nike Air Max Uptempo (Leather)
  • Scottie Pippen, Derek Fisher, and Jerry Stackhouse all hooped in the Air Max Uptempo
  • Nike Air Zoom Flight (Leather)
  • Jason Kidd hooped in the Zoom Flight aka "Bug Eyes"

  • Nike Air Much Uptempo (Leather)
  • Nike Air Worm Ndestrukt (Leather)
  • Nike Air Jordan XI Low
  • Nike Air Jordan XI
  • This shoe was inspired by the Spats worn mostly by Gangsters. Don’t know what a Spat is? Then go ahead and Google "Spats"and you’ll understand!!
  • Nike Air More Uptempo (Leather)
  • Scottie Pippen also hooped in the More Uptempo
  • Nike Air Modify Force Mid (Leather)
  • Nike Air Flight (Leather)
  • Nike Air Shake Ndestrukt (Leather)
  • Dennis "?" Rodman hooped in the Air Shake Ndestrukt
  • Nike Air School Force (Leather)
  • Nike Air Swoopes (Leather)
  • Sheryl Swoopes signature shoe
  • Nike Air Swoopes II (Leather)
  • Sheryl Swoopes 2nd signature shoe
  • Nike Air Flight Lite (Leather)
  • Nike Zoom Air Flight Five
  • Jason Kidd signature shoe
  • Nike Air Maestro (Leather)
  • Nike Air Penny II (Leather)
  • Penny Hardaway 2nd signature shoe
  • Nike Air Flight Max (Leather)
  • Nike Air Jordan XII
  • Nike Air Money (Leather)
  • Nike Air Adjust Force Mid (Leather)

  • Nike Air Foamposite (Synthetic)
  • Even though they don’t have "Penny" in the name they have the 1 cent logo on th back, so what do you think that means???
  • Nike Movin Uptempo (Leather)
  • Scottie Pippen hooped in the Movin Uptempo
  • Nike Air Flight Turbulence (Leather)
  • Nike Air Pippen (Leather)
  • Scottie Pippen signature, and Pippen rocked many others but this was the first shoe named after him.
  • Nike Air Groovin Uptempo (Leather)
  • Nike Air Bakin (Leather)
  • The Bakins were recalled because Muslims were offended by "Air" Logo on the back.
  • Nike Air Jumpman Pro (Leather)
  • Nike Air Alonzo (Leather)
  • Alonzo Mourning signature shoe
  • Nike Air CB 34 ‘97 (Leather)
  • Charles Barkey signature shoe
  • Nike Air Max Uptempo (Leather)
  • Nike Air Penny III
  • Penny Hardaway 3rd signature shoe, remember the commercial with Lil Penny and Tyra Banks?
  • Nike Air Total Max Uptempo (Leather)
  • Nike Air College Force Mid (Leather)
  • Nike Foamposite Pro (Synthetic)
  • Nike Super CB.....wonder what the "CB" stands for? Charles Barkley (that's right)
  • Nike Air Jordan Team (Leather)
  • Nike Air Hawk Flight (Leather) worn by Gary Payton
  • Nike Air MZ3 Leather now who’s shoe is this. I’m no genius but I’ll say Alonzo Mourning.
  • Nike Air Jordan Trainer
  • Nike Air Jordan XIII..........Do you remember the grey toe Sample?
  • Nike Air Garnett.............Kevin Garnett signature shoe

  • Nike Air Pippen III
  • Nike Penny IV (Leather)
  • Nike Air Zoom Flight "The Glove". Now which player do they call "The Glove"? Oh yeah Gary Payton.
  • Nike Air Total Foamposite Max.........Tim Duncan signature shoe
  • Nike Air CB4 II..........Charles Barkley signature shoe
  • Nike Air Jordan XIV
  • Nike Air Jordan XIII Low
  • Nike Jumpman Pro Quick
  • Nike Jumpan Pro Strong

  • Nike Air Aggress Force (Leather)
  • Nike Air Vis Zoom Uptempo (Leather)
  • Nike Air Jordan XV
  • Nike Air Pippen 3
  • Nike Air Zoom GP......Gary Payton signature shoe
  • Nike Jumpmsn Vindicate..........Vin Baker signature shoe
  • Nike Air Flightposite

  • Nike Air Jordan XVI
  • Nike Shox BB4
  • Nike Air Zoom GP II.........Gary Payton signature shoe
  • Nike Air Flightposite KG.......Kevin Garnett signature shoe
  • Many more Nike Basketball shoes, and the list goes on and on

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